Thursday, April 28, 2011

tips and tricks- missions

I will now list some tips and tricks for a successful missions trip.  Some you will find are more serious than others but all are written from experience and the best advise I can offer.

tip #1  Bring extra deodorant.  SUPER important.  Missions mean work, hard work and lots of it. you are representing your country and your God, this is difficult to do well if you smell like the black goo that lines a shower drain.   *personal experience ~ 4 hours on a bus behind someone who smelled of stale blue cheese.
Trick~ bring a neutral scented mans spray on deodorant. Easy to use,  easy to share and easy to smell.

tip #2  hearts, stars and horseshoes, my snacks are crushed again!  Don't you hate it when your cheeze-its get smashed to small cheesy dust during the flight?  And how annoying is packing a water bottle that you can't have water in due to TSA?  Two birds one stone: empty the boxes and bags of snacks into "Nalgene" type water bottles.  The bottles are useful in not smashing the snacks and keeping them tasty, delicious, and intact. *personal experience ~ whoppers melt in water bottles and you will not be able to get them out, then when you do finally get then out your water will taste of whoppers the whole trip! this goes for melty anything!
Trick~  Bring empty zip lock bags for the snacks not consumed on the flights then you be able to use your bottles for water.

tip #3  Throw fashion to the wind. Its true that tennies and skirts don't mesh. But welcome to world of missions ladies and gentlemen.  Bust out the close toe high back shoes and capris and cargo pants.  Its not horrible, its not  the worst thing that will ever happen its wonderful.  ** A moment for the ladies.  I know that you dress nicely everyday, I know that a shirt slightly below the collar bone is fine, i  know a scoop or v neck is flattering. Bust out the guys t shirts! up to the neck and down the arms.  Cap sleeves, lower necks or short torso will only make you and other very uncomfortable.  Wedgies, panty lines and tight rumpus' are not good.
Trick~ While you pack, roll up a shirt, a pair of pants, undies, socks and an undershirt (if necessary) so you can quickly grab and go!

Tip #4  gum drops and lemon drops! What to do now!  This may come as a shock to you but there is an F- word in missions. it is *the faint of heart turn away* flexibility. there it is.  did you survive? good.  hurry up and wait will take on a whole new meaning.  Time to get over it and move on. just be flexible, this is not your country, this is not your home, this is not your job nor your church.  BE FLEXIBLE.

tip #5 la la la la follow the leader la la la la follow follow la.........  Your team leader is there to help you.  To protect you and to provide an easy contact for the in country people.  If you have questions, or concerns talk to your team leader.  If there is a problem that you can't work out talk to your team leader ASAP. They are there to help you and if nothing else will point you in the right direction.  If there is a problem between you and someone on your team, act like Christ and turn the other cheek.  If that doesn't work take it to your team leader and pray it over with Him or Her.
Trick~ to keep the experience pleasant for everyone do not talk about other member of the team if they are not present. Good or bad say it with them there and you will so pleased with the results.

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