Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Its real

It is all feeling real today.  I am leaving for Haiti. I am leaving one person and returning another. I know God will do great things. I want to share and strengthen you before I go. I have been asked many times "is it dangerous?" the short answer is yes. Our guides know what they are doing and are there to keep us safe. The media feeds on the negative. they feed on stories that will terrify us, why? Because its what we want to hear.

I am not going for a vacation, this will be some of the hardest work of my life. And Lord knows I have worked hard. I will be mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually taxed. But I go with the attitude to recieve from the Lord what he has to give me, and to be poured into by His strength. Then in turn to pour that strength out to many people.

Another Question that comes up a great deal is "isn't better just to send the money it costs for you go?" The short answer is no.  With out relationship you can't help anyone. With out knowing, and meeting, and loving on the Haitians how can we ever help them? How do you like having to do things alone? Knowing that no one is coming. They are so disconnected that they have no idea what you go through. No one understands. Humans need understanding, contact, love. Not everyone is called to go, not everyone will get on a plane and fly into a torn and hurting land. And they don't need to. Some are called to be senders, to help those who are called to go. Some are called to be givers, to help the projects and places. Some are called to be goers. I am so blessed that the Lord has seen me worthy to be a goer. Has made me to be a goer and has surrounded me with a great mix of the rest.

As my bag sits mostly packed on the table I ask for you to pray. Pray. Please. I am leaving a few points below could you please please pray these everyday?

Dear Lord be with the Foursquare team in Haiti. Lord let you will be done, and let their lives be completely in your hands. Let them be safe, have divine encounters, and be led by  your spirit. Let the leadership be wise and the team ready to be led. Lord protect them, teach them, and bring them home safely and completely in Love with you. Lord give them new vision, strengthen the Foursquare Missions International people who will remain there through this team. Let you will be done. Thank you, Amen

The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Life is good, Go with God

Watching that’s the fun if it, it’s all about the people. Some are funny, some only smell funny, and others look funny. This town, it seems to breed odd people. There are the ‘GO GREEN’ people, the hemp-y people, the ones here for candy. Watching them just makes life fun. The one across the way is tired, I like to think that at home there are three dogs, two cats and a couple kids. When he gets home he’ll probably crash on the couch with a tea or scotch in his hand and pat the dogs head, then flick on the TV and escape the real world headaches. Next to me, to my right is a work-aholic. He’ll go home with a cup of coffee, sit at the dining room table, and finish the plans before clicking on the tv and in the background listening to the big game. Just down from us are the scary people. Not that anyone is scared but let’s try unfriendly, they’re not really talking to us pretty sure they don’t want to be here. 

Ever stop and wonder about people? they are so cool. Everyone is different uniquely different just like everyone else. Stop and think about it, no one is like you, but everyone tries to figure you out. But if they aren’t like you how can they understand you. I don’t think it’s possible. No one understands me, and I doubt I understand even my closest of friends. Yes the circle is the same always starting and ending in the same place, yet never the same. Can this be from chance? Is it because things keep changing? Why?
So the philosophy is to be yourself, find different ways of looking at the world, create your space, don’t worry about people, just be conscience of integrity and there ya go.

Life is good, Go with God 

Monday, September 6, 2010

all in the view

Ah coming in, coming down. Dancing across field of flowers. I guess that depends on how you view flowers. Some I suppose would see weeds, dandelions, vetch, mustard, and of course a multitude of daisies. That’s the way life is though isn’t it? It all is how you view it. Is that warm sphere in the sky blessed warmth providing life for things to grow or is it simply seen as something that causes more work? What are those blessed drops that fall from the sky in winter and spring? Do they kiss the earth with each morsel of God given water or do they cause mud and create gloom? Do you let yourself absorb each moment of life? Do you let yourself see each moment as it should be or do you wait for moments to come to you? You must seek them out! Seek the opportunity, find the vision! Take it for what it is! How do you see the fields? Flowers or weeds?

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A request

I am blogging today for a request. I am traveling to Haiti for a mission trip 2 weeks from today. I am traveling with a team of 19 other people from 3 different churches.  We will be spending time in Port Au Prince, building a skills center, clearing rubble, giving medical help and supplies, and spending time with people on the ground who have been there since before day one.  We get to spend a day in an orphanage loving on kids and giving the leaders a little break to get stuff done.

Here is what I am asking,

I need prayer. I need a crew of 5-10 people who are committed to saying every day "Jesus, be with Chris while in Haiti" I will be gone from the 19th-27th. We are in a fairly safe environment, but it is a fourth world country and there are lots of things there you don't encounter here.

So if you are able to pray, just for 5 seconds a day, please comment back, I would like to send you all an update and story when I return.

Thank you so much.

In Him,

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Others Glimpses into my head

Today on our episode of others glimpses into my head we are featuring my mom.

Senario: Going to a town with more shopping (by witch I mean more than 4 stores). Leaving with 3 other girls, one is a missionary home for a bit, one is an intern at my church, and one is a married person  (because married people never get in trouble)

9:31 Am on Thurs
me "ok Mom I am out, I'll be back by 5:00 to go to work"
Mom *hug "Ok be safe (pause) Don't do anything stupid"
Me: Mom its me (thinking secretly  not my brother....hehehehehe)
Mom: I know (said like "that was my point. does YOUR mom ever do that?)
ME: wait what? great this is going as my face book status, 'don't do anything stupid because its you'"
Mom: thats not What I meant, I meant like pretend your an airplane and fly around the store with something on your head.
Me: *Laughing thinking "you really do know me"

So this is a glimpse of what other people think of me. Strangely enough I have done something similar to this. Its true.

I leave you with this note,
Llamas lunching on lemons

18 days till Haiti