Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Its real

It is all feeling real today.  I am leaving for Haiti. I am leaving one person and returning another. I know God will do great things. I want to share and strengthen you before I go. I have been asked many times "is it dangerous?" the short answer is yes. Our guides know what they are doing and are there to keep us safe. The media feeds on the negative. they feed on stories that will terrify us, why? Because its what we want to hear.

I am not going for a vacation, this will be some of the hardest work of my life. And Lord knows I have worked hard. I will be mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually taxed. But I go with the attitude to recieve from the Lord what he has to give me, and to be poured into by His strength. Then in turn to pour that strength out to many people.

Another Question that comes up a great deal is "isn't better just to send the money it costs for you go?" The short answer is no.  With out relationship you can't help anyone. With out knowing, and meeting, and loving on the Haitians how can we ever help them? How do you like having to do things alone? Knowing that no one is coming. They are so disconnected that they have no idea what you go through. No one understands. Humans need understanding, contact, love. Not everyone is called to go, not everyone will get on a plane and fly into a torn and hurting land. And they don't need to. Some are called to be senders, to help those who are called to go. Some are called to be givers, to help the projects and places. Some are called to be goers. I am so blessed that the Lord has seen me worthy to be a goer. Has made me to be a goer and has surrounded me with a great mix of the rest.

As my bag sits mostly packed on the table I ask for you to pray. Pray. Please. I am leaving a few points below could you please please pray these everyday?

Dear Lord be with the Foursquare team in Haiti. Lord let you will be done, and let their lives be completely in your hands. Let them be safe, have divine encounters, and be led by  your spirit. Let the leadership be wise and the team ready to be led. Lord protect them, teach them, and bring them home safely and completely in Love with you. Lord give them new vision, strengthen the Foursquare Missions International people who will remain there through this team. Let you will be done. Thank you, Amen

The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.


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